aking Life A Little Greener

Plants aren’t just for show–they are an essential part of our environment.

Green buildings, eco-friendly design and sustainability are all “hot” topics these days. And for good reason: live plants are an essential element for a clean, healthy, and professional workplace. When plants thrive, people thrive!

Benefits of Green Plants

Did you know that plants can be used to:

  • Filter the indoor air you breathe
  • Keep the sun at bay, reducing heat pollution and energy use
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase sales
  • Please see the LEED certified case studies

We have your health in mind with the use of safe Green Methods such as:

  • No Pesticides
  • Sub-Irrigated Plants to Save on Water and Fuel Consumption
  • All Natural Cleansing Products and Fertilizer
  • Use of Recycled Containers with more than 80% post consumer recycled material that can contribute your LEED Recycled Content Credit

Training Programs Available

As a local US Green Building Council (USGBC) Educational Provider we offer a compelling free one-hour Continuing Education program on health and well being benefits of indoor plants that speak directly to the important issues relating to our region’s green design interests.

Your employees, tenants, managers and/or chapter members will appreciate the vital and relevant information available from this program “Authentically Green Interiors: Optimizing Nature’s Design. The program offers 1.0 HSW hours of Continuing Professional Development (CEU) to AIA, BOMI, and USGBC certified members.

Further Resources

Please visit the following web sites for more information on how plants can be an important part of your green building: